Saturday, 15 October 2011



First of all, A warm welcome to Rhythmic Existence!

This isn't really an ordinary music blog. Its a blog about the music of life, the music that we all hum.
It's about rhythms that i feel, exist in my life.
In this maddening world, I too am running like everyone of you with a search light in my hand looking around at the things of the world and I take a pause; only to realise that the search light should be pointing towards me!
'Rhytmic Existence' is about the little pauses I take from this mindless running just to remind myself, "Hey Girl! you are alive!" and believe me it feels great!
I often keep to myself, my thoughts and reactions of things and events around me but, I now have decided to share them honestly not to please, not to hurt.

its an infectious thing that we all love to carry!

So lets share :)
Be happy and Calm.

P.S.- I would love to read if you have something to share :)


  1. I comment here because:

    a)I have to make my presence felt.*bows grandly*
    b)because good friends like me always find a way to barge into every space you call your own ...


    ps I like the font too.

    pps kita-z is so not a dandruff shampoo.

    ppps Did I just dandruff on your brand new, dew dripped blog?He he he...

  2. You have always made your presence felt...!!
    and sometimes your presence hurts my shoulder...

    you know what i have proven to be an awesome friend.. beacuse i actually 'gave you my shoulder' in your 'dire need' :P
    (bows grandly)

    My blog would really love to have frequent dandruff showers from you.. :D

    Take Care Kita-Z!

  3. Now that is an introduction radiating with all the warmth of the rays of your smile. And it has a 'Feel Good' ME writ all ova it.

    Go well gal am all eyes and ears and in sync to the music of your life which in a way is ours from now on ;) ;)
